Sunday, March 6, 2011

Teething/Eczema and Drag Queens

Jake and I get no sleep.

According to Jake, Camille's eczema is a relatively mild form. Therefore, her eczema alone shouldn't be the cause of her continued and increasing crankiness. So our newest hypothesis is that Camille is a big crankypants because of eczema and teething.


While I sit up with her during the day (during the time she should be napping but isn't), and rock her while she cries because she's tired but won't nap, I watch movies.

I saw To Wong Fu, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar a looooong time ago, and I remembered that it stars one of my favorite actors, John Leguizamo, and that it was funny and fabulous. So I Netflixed it and watched it. I had completely forgotten that the three stars of the movie are - alongside John Leguizamo - Patrick Swayze and Wesley Snipes. A more perfect trio of queens there never was and never will be.

Google image P.S., When I searched for this picture, I found a different one that I picked first. However, the image was taken from a post about Patrick Swayze's death... on a white-pride forum (apparently, this picture was used to demonstrate why Swayze was a race traitor? I didn't read the post, just saw the title of the thread). I didn't really want to link to a white-pride anything from my blog, so I didn't include that picture and found the above one instead.

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