Monday, March 14, 2011

Tsunamis Tsuck

I know that the earthquake and tsunami in Japan happened a few days ago, and I usually try to keep my posts on this blog happy and lighthearted and smattered rather than fraught with naughty words.

However, I find that I NEED to say something regarding the tragedy in Japan.



It's not payback for the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

It's not retribution from God.

It's not punishment for being atheist.

It's not payback from the whales.

It's not because they started the furry fetish (even though it's pretty weird).

Yes, bad things happen to good people. Yes, Mother Nature can still kick your ass. Yes, people die.

However, inferring that somehow the people of Japan as a whole did something to incur the wrath of the sea is just plain retarded. Don't be an asshole about it, be a human being! Even if you're still sore about Pearl Harbor (get over it), smarting that Shinto is the big religion in Japan (not atheism), or simply steamed that they kill whales (not all of them do), it STILL doesn't mean that it's now OK for you to march around and proclaim,"they deserved it!"

Well, if you believe the people of Japan deserved to be killed, rendered homeless, lose loved ones, and find themselves without a thing in the world, then I believe you deserve to have your genitals burned off by radioactive weasels.

Fuckin' weasels.

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