Friday, March 18, 2011

Lotion: 1. Eczema: 0

Camille's eczema is almost gone away. Yay! A morning and night lotion regimen, plus decreasing her baths to only two nights a week, seems to be working. I still give her a sponge bath in the mornings, but I only clean her face, under her chin, her hands, her armpits, and between her toes (not in that order). Then I dip her in a vat of lotion and our day begins!

I really hope that Florida is good for her eczema. Apparently, humidity is really good for eczema, but heat is not. And Florida, while humid, can also get pretty hot. However, since it's only March, I'm hoping the temperature doesn't get too high. Mid-80's, maybe? That would be nice!

It would just really suck if her eczema flared up down there. That would make for a long, sleepless week. :(

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