Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm So Excited!

In 11 days, Jake and Camille and I will be comfortably ensconced in a metal tube hurtling through the air at several hundred miles per hour, only a couple of hours away from landing here:

This picture is actually of the area where I grew up, like literally the exact area, like I can see my house from here. OK, I can't actually really see my house. But my house is only like 2 blocks away (to the left of this picture)

The bridge in the back left is the Ringling Bridge (yes, named after the Ringling Brothers of circus fame), and I ran over it every day - sometimes twice daily - last last summer (2009). The island-peninsula lookin' object in the center is the Downtown Marina, and is home to Marina Jack's (restaurant) and McIrishpub's (that's not the name of the restaurant; I forgot it, but it's definitely something Irish sounding). O'Leary's, maybe? They have yummy burgers.

The islands in the background aren't actually islands; they're quays (keys). St Armand's Key (ICE CREAM), Lido Key, Longboat Key, blah blah blah. That's where all the rich people live.

I'm going home. :) It's just for a little vacay for Spring Break, but I really need to spend time in outdoor temperatures in excess of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, humidity.

And there are only 11 days left. AAAAHHHHH I can't wait!

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