Well, as I’ve said before, people are STILL discussing “Monster’s Ball” all these years later. More to the point, people are still *hating* on Halle because she dared to go where she’s never been before (well, on film)….lol.
As I perused my morning gossip sites, yes I’m shallow in the A.M. and need *light* reading before tackling *real* news..lol, I spotted a post about “Monster’s Ball” over at sandrarose.com. I guess the general consensus is that Halle didn’t deserve the Oscar for her performance in that particular movie and that she can’t really act her way out of a wet paper bag, etc.
Several months ago I was listening to a show on XM Radio prior to the Oscars and the conversation eventually circled back to Halle and her Oscar win. The fist black woman started off the conversation expressing her disgust that Hollywood *gave* Halle the Oscar for her degrading performance in “Monster’s Ball.” Black woman number 2 quickly jumped in and agreed, but then went a step further and brought up Denzel Washington’s win that same year for “Training Day” as equally offensive since Hollywood *gave* Denzel the lead Oscar for portraying a thugged-out, rogue cop. Ok, here is where I rolled my eyes: Black woman number 1, who started the whole discussion, cut-off Black woman number 2 and said that Denzel was different because he had already won a prior Oscar for his dignified role in “Glory.” SMH
Now I realize and respect that a lot of people could have been uncomfortable, disappointed, shocked, disgusted, etc. by *that scene* in “Monster’s Ball” or simply felt the movie was not to their tastes. I certainly don’t have a problem with people having different opinions. However, I can’t help but wonder if Halle, in *that scene*, begged “Ray-Ray” instead of Billy Bob Thornton’s character, to “make me feel good” and then (simulate) “riding him for all he’s worth,” would folks have felt the same amount of distaste for her and the film? I’m just asking…………
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