It's really embarrassing to even post that question. For me the obvious (or at least) what should be obvious answer, is NO.
Loving and choosing the best quality man is the plan. Showcasing all the "other" options open to BW by pics, videos, news articles, etc. is part of the way in which I say, "look, at how *we* are being loved, cherished and wed--we can all have that too.
I don't think the road to "other love" is necessarily easy or uncomplicated. Read enough IR friendly/themed blogs and you will surely hear the negative stories as well as the positive. I certainly never said that this blog would be overrun with WM writing up gazillion posts worshipping us. Does this mean single BW should just pack it up and go get their copy of that Soul Mate documentary..uhhmm..NO. Use what you learn here and go get the life you want. Don't wait for it to come to you or you might be waiting forever. Finding a quality relationship today is hard and it takes work--but the rewards are more than worth the effort.
My goal in publishing this blog is not to be political or judgemental about how BW come to want other options. We don't all arrive at the same place through the same journey; everyone has a different experience. Some of us have always had attractions or "preferences" for type X men and some of us are now open to type X men based on our own reasons. My question is, does it really matter how or why we end up at the same place ? My personal answer is no, it doesn't. However, I'm sure there are tons who would disagree.
I've stated this before, but I'll say it again (and again I'm sure since folks want to always look for agendas)--this site was never designed to be a place of hate or hate-mongering and the ladies (and some gents) who visit have been very respectful of that and I thank them. That being said, I won't *silence* women who express anger about the bad way in which they may have been treated by ANY man in fear that the "you see, I knew she was one of those crazies who hate BM" folks can say "ah-ha."
Black Girls Rock It ! does feature a lot of non-BM. However, it is my personal preference to feature the men I like on this site and "hate" does not factor into that decision. I'm sure the BM who feature non-BW on their websites, magazines, etc. also have their preferences and reasons;to each his own.
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