Hip Hop has been a mainstay in black, white, Latin, and every other cultural lifestyle. It grew in the ghettos and surpassed the [suburbs] of America, and reached other countries where kids do not speak English, but can recite the words to every rap artist in America. It is HIP HOP. It is a MOVEMENT. Yet, it has been oppressive to some of its biggest and most advent supporters - women and gay men. Women have been called "Bitches," and "Ho's." Gay men are referred to as "Batty boys," "Faggots," and "Homos."
Above are the words of Terrance Dean, author of "Hiding in Hip Hop." Source The only reason I have any interest in following the release of this book (in about 2 weeks) is the damage Hip Hop has done to Black people in general, but Black women specifically. I'm not one who enjoys people being "outed," but, if there are high profile Hip Hop peddlers living a double life, I wouldn't cry for them if they are exposed. However, I doubt seriously if the author is going to really name anyone; I smell a lot of hype in order to sell books. Additionally, I hope this book causes a stir and perhaps forces some Black women who are in denial about men on the "down low" to OPEN their eyes and see that the face of a "down low" man can look just like THEIR man. While folks are giggling over Star Jone's misfortune and pointing fingers at her for being dumb, marrying an "obviously gay man," etc. they should pay attention to what's going on in their own lives. The rising cases of HIV in Black women is no joke.
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