Several ladies in a previous post have stated that they are running into "cyber ageism" on Internet dating sites. As a result, I went out and did a little research on several dating sites and I have to say there are a lot of men out there in the 40+ age group looking for much younger women. There is nothing scientific about what I did, so I certainly couldn't relate my research to the general population of single men over 40.
I have to ask, isn't this just male privilege ? Men have always had the privilege to play the field until they are in their 40s and then decide they want to get married and have a family. Men with that mind-set know they can find a woman 10-15 years younger than themselves to marry and start a family with. However, women have never had that privilege because we know that our typical child-bearing years are not endless. It is my own OPINION that a lot of these men on dating sites are not looking to "start a family"--to me, it's code-speak for "I want hot arm candy."
When I reviewed some of the dating profiles, a lot of these over 40 guys looking for women 25-35 were already divorced with children. So, they will have to try again on that "start a family line"..lol. If these guys were really honest I think they would say they want younger women because they have the perception that women their own age have "let themselves go" or are "not as spontaneous" as younger women.
Personally I feel like this about age: Age Ain't Nothing but a Number
I realize my "feel good moment" above is not an answer to how women can combat the problem of ageism in dating, but I think you have to live your life un-apologetically as you are NOW and any QUALITY man will be more interested in getting to know you as a person vs. how old you are. Personally, I don't think Internet dating alone is the way-to-go for women of any age if the goal is marriage and children. I would keep Internet dating open, but also try other avenues such as community events, professional clubs / associations, volunteering, etc.
Now, if you just want to play the field and date, younger men are always an option. Check this article for more details....but consider the source...lol.
Let's discuss.
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