Camille is six months old!!
I took like 900 pictures and her facial expression didn't change at all. I guess this month we'll have a deadpan picture. |
Camille sits up very well now. Sometimes she still falls over, usually straight onto her face, but she's much better at leaning over and grabbing toys and not falling.
She likes her baby laptop a lot, but I hate the damn thing. The songs get stuck in my head.
She kinda claps. She'll smack her hands together if you clap, but it doesn't make any noise. Whatever! Close enough.
She's way better at turning over, both ways. She'll flip all around if she's in the mood. She also does something that Jake and I call "bulldozing." She'll be on her tummy, and she'll wedge her feet into the floor and stick her butt way up. Then she'll push herself forward, thus bulldozing anything in her way with her head. She bulldozed right off the edge of the bed one day. She fell onto a pillow that was on the floor, but it scared her so she cried anyway. I almost cried, too.
Her most recent feat is illustrated in this picture:
There's the first step toward crawling!! She'll push up on her hands and knees, but she doesn't know where to go from there. She just sits like that for a few minutes, then she'll fall onto the ground or start crying. I know that when she actually starts crawling I'm going to hate it, but I'm still looking forward to it.
Now is the start of her sign language learning. We're starting with "eat," "more," and "milk." Once she can actually sign those, we'll move on to "pain," and then whatever else pops into my head. Or Jake's head. When she signs "poop," I'll know where she learned it.