Monday, January 28, 2008

Dust Off Mammy & Hitch Up The Mule....

Here comes Tyler Perry !

March 21, 2008

Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns

A funny, moving romantic drama about the power of love and family, Lionsgate's "Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns" marks another winning portrayal of life by writer/director/actor Tyler Perry ("Diary of a Mad Black Woman," "Madea's Family Reunion") and features a return to the big screen by Madea, the indomitable, law-breaking, fun-loving grandma.

A single mother living in inner city Chicago, Brenda has been struggling for years to make ends meet and keep her three kids off the street. But when she's laid off with no warning, she starts losing hope for the first time – until a letter arrives announcing the death of a father she's never met. Desperate for any kind of help, Brenda takes her family to Georgia for the funeral. But nothing could have prepared her for the Browns, her father's fun-loving, crass Southern clan. In a small-town world full of long afternoons and country fairs, Brenda struggles to get to know the family she never knew existed…and finds a brand new romance that just might change her life.

Oh yes, I simply can't wait. *extreme sarcasm*

Bless Tyler, he has two more movies in production this Spring. Joy, Joy !!! *extreme sarcasm*


Saturday, January 26, 2008


Betty Davis is the Grande Domme of Funk. She inspired husband Miles into reinventing Jazz and himself in '69. She combined the sounds of her friends Sly and Jimi to make intense FunkRock albums of her own. Her fierce sexual persona and aggro voice scared the record industry in the mid-70's. In doing so, she paved the way for such rebels as the Slits, Grace Jones, Nina Hagen, Madonna, Annie Lennox, Diamanda Galas, Boss Hogg, Joi (Gilliam), Nikka Costa, and Peaches. This is the title track from her 1975 masterpiece. Obviously Prince heard it, which inspired him to turn it into "Nasty Girl" by Vanity 6 in 1982. Learn more about this great lady and tell your friends. "

(All rights reserved. Fan-made video to promote the artist.)Tym Stevens

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hip Hop Video Girls - Where My Ladies At?

Today another blogger challenged bw to think before we publicly demonize black Hip Hop Video Girls. You know the ones, shaking-it-up in heavy rotation over on BET and gracing the covers of various magazines.

This blogger’s point, as I understood it, is that we as bw do ourselves no favors when we publicly tear each other down and that she has observed that enlightened ww don’t do this to each other. Essentially, by tearing down another sister, we not only de-value her, but also ourselves. We should perhaps have more compassion for these women or at the very least, speak privately about it instead of putting it “out there” for the world to see. Basically, at the end of the day, the only thing “others” will take away from the criticism is that bw are (fill in your own insult here). The “others” will not be making a distinction between the “good” bw admonishing the “bad” girl and the “video ho” we tear apart.

I have to be honest and say that I’m divided on the issue of trying to “shut down” the video girls because I believe they contribute to the damage of the image of all bw, thus making us easy prey for predators in our communities and the ideology of supporting my sisters, even though I abhor what they are doing, by refusing to publicly bash them for their behavior.

I think Michaela Angela Davis made an interesting observation on this continuing topic when she said that bw are the only women you can see shaking their naked behinds for free on tv; in order to see ww’s breasts, you have to PAY for it.

So is it more insulting that our behinds aren’t even worth paying to see or that we’re shaking it up period?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

And The Black Girl Gets The Prince

Princess Angela and Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein.

Monday, January 21, 2008


"The Souls of Black Girls is a provocative news documentary that takes a critical look at media
images--how they are instituted, established and controlled. The documentary also examines the relationship between the historical and existing media images of women of color and raises the question of whether they may be suffering from a self-image disorder as a result of trying to attain the standards of beauty that are celebrated in media images.

The documentary features candid interviews with young women discussing their self-image and social commentary from Actresses Regina King and Jada Pinkett Smith, PBS Washington Week Moderator Gwen Ifill, Rapper/Political Activist Chuck D, and Cultural Critic Michaela Angela Davis, among others. The Souls of Black Girls is a piece that attempts to provoke honest dialogue and critical thinking among women of color about media images and our present condition—internally and externally."

Friday, January 18, 2008

Cousin Kim - No Sex in the City - What is Dating?

Yes indeed, what happened to dating ? When did dates morph into "hook-ups" ?

A Note About *Anons* & Why I Set Up This Blog

I visit a lot of pro-black woman and IR blogs; as a result, I was inspired to start "Black Girls Rock."

The purpose is to celebrate Black Women and all the variety of choices we have availabe to live our best lives. I want every Black Woman to have joy to the fullest, until it overflows. Whether a bw decides to experience variety in music, men, travel, politics or whatever...I'm all for it, if it improves her life.

With that said, I am not interested in cyber-debating the issues I post about; there are plenty of blogs around the net for that, if that is what you're seeking. I'm happy to share conversations with people who enjoy the blog and are like-minded.

Now about negative *Anons*, I think this blogger addressed it best here

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Success Stories from The Asian Woman Files

Ok, the title of my post is in jest, but not by much. Another smart Asian woman is officially engaged to a high-profile man. James Gandolfini and Deborah Lin are heading down the aisle.


We as bw have got to get smarter about how we seek out mates. You can't tell me that there wasn't ONE bw in the entertainment business who was in James Gandolfini's circle and couldn't have landed him if she gave it a shot. Come on now. Hello, Gabrielle Union, Kerry Washington, Tracey Edmonds ( I mean really Tracey, Eddie --you get the picture. I suspect these ladies are in the "nothing but a bm camp" smh.

Some of us may look at James and see that he is a big guy without a "male model body" and he's *gasp* bald. My response would be "and." I happen to think the man is sexy. I love his big hands, the bedroom eyes and the walk...hotness to me. I could care less that he's chunky. I bet you Deborah Lin couldn't care less I'm sure Ms. Lin had other criteria in mind when she accepted Jame's proposal.

Asian women are a lot smarter than us when it comes to making mating decisions based on what is best for them and their futures. I'm sure "pretty boy" with a cool "swagger" factored NO WHERE on that list. I'm also sure, Ms. Lin couldn't give two flying figs what anyone else thinks about her man's looks either. That's something we bw have GOT to let go of. We spend way too much time trying to "represent" when it comes to the man we choose. We often let "fine" substitute for QUALITY.

I challenge bw to go out to lunch alone at a local spot where the "business types" head for a bite to eat. Just sit there and observe everyone while you eat. Take note of the ww and aw who might be there meeting husbands or boyfriends for lunch. Do these women (in their committed relationships) all have "pretty boys" or do they have regular guys ? Really pay attention...I did this and quickly realized that I was (stupidly) discounting a lot of QUALITY men. smh at myself.

Free your mind and mate smarter in 2008.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Kissing You"

A little something for the "Something New" girls.

Get it !

Monday, January 7, 2008

Lenny Kravitz - Black Velveteen


The "Coco Factor"

Non-black women gracing the covers of black men’s “booty magazines” is what I have coined the “Coco Factor.” Coco of course is Nicole Austin, wife of Ice T. Why am I writing about Coco on a blog for rocking Black Girls you ask? Well, I am tired of visiting black gossip sites (it’s my guilty secret…lol) and reading black women getting down in the muck with black men about this woman. Hello, we are ROCKING BLACK GIRLS. We are MORE than a big butt and a smile. I refuse to participate in degrading Coco and calling her everything but a child of God all in the name of some sick competition; she IS married to Ice T and “performs” with him. That is enough of a burden for her right there.

Black women can we please be honest and admit that the only reason Coco (and her fellow non-black female cohorts with big booties) are working some of our nerves is because as some black man so eloquently put it *insert sarcasm here*, “A white girl with a black girl’s booty is a black girl’s worst nightmare.” LOL, that’s a sad statement right there. If some of us are sitting around thinking that a big booty is ALL we have to set us apart from white/non-black girls in order to hold on to black men….uhhmm…yeah…issues.

I challenge every Black Girl, from the very young to the grown and sexy, please FREE your mind of the “old” rules. Stop caring what black men find in vogue. WHO CARES what they think?! What matters more is how you see YOURSELF. This is 2008 and Black Girls have MANY options when it comes to dating and marriage. Therefore, if one man isn’t interested in the AWESOME Black Chica that is you…..just move it along…some other man SURE ‘nuff will be.

Let’s all let go of the “Coco Factor” TODAY and say a little prayer for Nicole.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

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