Friday, January 18, 2008

A Note About *Anons* & Why I Set Up This Blog

I visit a lot of pro-black woman and IR blogs; as a result, I was inspired to start "Black Girls Rock."

The purpose is to celebrate Black Women and all the variety of choices we have availabe to live our best lives. I want every Black Woman to have joy to the fullest, until it overflows. Whether a bw decides to experience variety in music, men, travel, politics or whatever...I'm all for it, if it improves her life.

With that said, I am not interested in cyber-debating the issues I post about; there are plenty of blogs around the net for that, if that is what you're seeking. I'm happy to share conversations with people who enjoy the blog and are like-minded.

Now about negative *Anons*, I think this blogger addressed it best here

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