Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weird and Strange Car Accidents

Weird Strange Car Accidents
Snow bound!

Weird Strange Car Accidents
Ground sinking cars.

Weird Strange Car Accidents
Car crashed in the building... looks fake?

Weird Strange Car Accidents
Heavy machinery didn't make the bridge clearance.

Weird Strange Car Accidents
How not to park your car.

Weird Strange Car Accidents
Car through the roof of a house.

Weird Strange Car Accidents
Going fishing!

Weird Strange Car Accidents
Freeway accident.

Weird Strange Car Accidents
Car caught in the power lines.

Weird Strange Car Accidents
How did this happen?

Funny Signs

Funny Signs
Hotel Guest Rules

Funny Signs
Thank you for noticing this sign

Funny Signs
Curved Yellow Fruit

Funny Signs
Caution Road Sign

Funny Signs
Do not pick up the animals

Funny Signs
Do not throw stones

Funny Signs
What Google can't teach you

Funny Signs
Bathroom sign

Funny Signs
Consequence for stealing golf balls

Funny Signs
Do not Disturb

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Black Girls ...LEAVE Hollywood

We need to leave or get our own studios. Yet another non-Black actress is starring as the lead in a movie about a Black girl. Chicas came out in full-force when Angelina Jolie took on the role of Marriane Pearl in "black-face." However, this time Mena Suvari throws in some cornrows and viola...a Black girl is born. *extreme sarcasm*

Stuart Gordon, whose films include Re-Animator, Castle Freak and Space Truckers, has the right to take creative license and make what ever kind of film he likes. But why didn't he use a black actress? Why was it okay to just put blonde, ethnically Estonian Suvari in cornrows? Why have Angelina Jolie play Marianne Pearl? There are so few black actresses in great, meaty roles (Jennifer Hudson in SATC does not count) and most of the big releases have male stars. There's a lack of parts for women in Hollywood altogether — do actresses of color have a chance if white women can just put on some corn rows (or a curly wig) and play "a particular kind of girl from a particular place" ?

To read the rest of the story and the synopsis of the film in question, "Stuck," go here.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Funny Pics: Boat Rides, Football, Body Art

Funny Picture of a fat man in boat
One Man Boat

A funny boat at the small port of Paxoi island in Greece
A funny boat at the small port of Paxoi island in Greece

Funny Football Picture
Distraction while watching the game

Cool Tattoo
Tattoo before and after picture, from outline to colored.

Body Art
Sexy Body Art Cool Design!

Cute Funny Cats - When Lions Fight..
Cute Funny Cats - When Lions Fight..

Riding Solo For The Summer Challenge ?

I have read on the message board and in some of the posts that some of the ladies would like to meet up in groups to go out during the summer challenge. I have created a network that will hopefully help facilitate this need. The network is very simple; I created a forum for each state and it's up to any interested LADIES to join and find others to network with. This is NOT a dating site.

If you are interested in signing up, please go here:

This site will be a community effort as I won't have time to moderate it.

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Summertime !

It's about a week until CW's Summer Challenge starts. I intend to really step up to the plate on this one. As such, I will begin posting on a weekly basis in order to limit my time online and
"get out there." I would encourage all the single ladies (and gents) to participate in the challenge and make a goal for yourself. Please don't feel the pressure to meet "the love of your life" this summer. Perhaps your goal could simply be to go out more and meet people, make eye contact and practice simple flirting. Some of these things may seem elementary, but if you haven't "been out there" in a while, it really isn't.

The most important thing to do is to make the commitment to DO something. Start laying the groundwork for your future. During my weekly posts, I will be sharing my own "adventures." For sure, there will be some embarrassing moments...hey, I know

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Can R. Kelly Count on "His" Women ?

I read this article about Black women supporting R. Kelly in the Chicago Sun Times and I have to say I was both surprised by the reporter's frankness and disappointed that the story even existed. In spite of the theme of the article, the one positive thing that came out of it for me was the focus on protecting our young Black girls from predators instead of blaming them or labeling them as "fast."

Frankly, the tolerance for older men having sex with underage girls in segments of the black community is one reason too many children are born into impoverished circumstances.

Because adults fail to see these older men as sexual predators, they end up blaming the minor girls for the inappropriate sexual contact.

It should be as unacceptable in the black community for older men to have sex with these physically mature but emotionally immature females as it is for older men to marry underage girls at a polygamous compound.

Along these same lines, The Black Snob has an amazing piece about how the culture of modern Hip Hop has essentially preyed on young Black women. In my estimation, this "entertainment" is every bit as damaging as what Mr. Kelly has been indicted for. (The language is a little rough in places....apologies to the easily offended)

A few years back I started making Andy Warhol homages to Lil Kim. Not because I liked Lil Kim or her music. Not because she was some epitome of manufactured beauty. But because of what she'd become, because of what Christopher Wallace, Notorious B.I.G., created her to be, the one thing she had to sell and sold greatly.

Lil Kim is a commodity like so many other things in the post-Shiny Suit Era of the Hip Hop Industry. A time when female MCs were really damaged girls on the come up willing to become glammed up, exalted strippers spitting rhymes they did not write. Flaunting game that was coached and coaxed. Male producers boosting them like hot cars. Flipping them like refurbished homes. They were ample, eager, hungry enough to get down on all fours and become profane provocateurs who could provide money based on "Pussy Power."

Pussy Power is not feminism. It is not womanism. It is about your worth being reduced to your private parts. Your parts being the only thing you can sell. Tits. Ass. Vagina. Marginal face with exemplary chassis. Girls getting bodied for talents they never possessed, but paraded about as the supreme because they fulfill male fantasy. This is not the same as an attractive woman with brains who uses her charm and guile and beauty to advance like an axiomatic Goddess. A success story who glides amongst us and gains the longing stares of men and women alike. This is the aspirational woman. The dream.

The likes of Lil Kim, Trina, Remy Ma and Foxy Brown fresh from prison are not.

It's amazing that any woman, girl, child could look at this coterie of cunts and find their dreams. That they could learn their sad origin tales of sexual abuse and abandonment leading them to paths of decadence and destruction and want to cosign to a testosterone fueled world where a credit card in the crack of an ass crudely demonstrates the vulgar truths.


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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Maroon 5 and Rihanna

I absolutely love it that Rihanna is branching out. Also, the hotness of this video is off the charts. The song is “If I Never See Your Face Again,” check it out.

Type the rest of your post here

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Positive News : Hollywood Must Be Waking Up !

Here's the promo for the movie "August" with Josh Hartnett, David Bowie and Naomie Harris. It looks like Naomie might be the love interest...*faints.* Current release date is July 11.

The synopsis is as follows :

August centers on two brothers fighting to keep their start-up company afloat on Wall Street during August 2001, a month before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Thanks to sky over at Sara's for the tip.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Are Black Women Who Date-Out "Settling" ?

I’m still struggling with why it is such an “insult” to white and other non-black men for a BW to decide that she wants to broaden her options to include them in her dating pool. Is the message that unless a BW has always been exclusively attracted to white or non-black men, that she is “settling?”

I still see this argument quite a bit unfortunately and I find it personally insulting. There seems to be some people who really believe that “revenge” can be the only reason a BW decides to “date out” after a lifetime of dating black only. “Well, she’s just mad because she can’t get her IBM (Ideal Black Man) so now she’ll show them and get a white man.”

I’m not going to “pretend” that some BW may in fact be angry at BM and I will not judge that experience. However, I’m sure if a woman gets involved with any man that she truly has no interest in, that man will be smart enough to realize this and that woman will not have him for long. So, tell me again how this *potential* issue makes BW dating out the Antichrist?

Anyhoo, it is my feeling that BW are more open to dating out because we can just see the proverbial writing on the wall. That writing by the way, pretty much says…if you want to increase your odds of finding a QUALITY man to marry, then do NOT limit your dating pool to one “type” of man; include ALL men. Period. I don’t find that in any way “settling.”

I wonder if some of the folks expressing this “settling” issue are really the ones who are angry that BW are not “worshiping” randomly at their feet, but rather are making smart and informed decisions based on marriageable, QUALITY dating pools.

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Friday, May 9, 2008

CW is Throwing Down "The Challenge"

Single ladies, we need to take CW up on her offer to "just do it" this summer. The challenge is to stay off the net (as much as possible) June - August and position ourselves for the future. Find places in your area where you can meet QUALITY men. If Internet dating is your thing, then go that route as well..but always BE SMART and SAFE.

Pop over to Black Women Deserve Better and read more.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

This is NOT a Good Look or Message

I try to find as many positive things as I can about Black Women and highlight them here, but sometimes you have to deal with the negative as well. I did not know this particular "saying" even existed, but go to the "urban dictionary" and there it is. I have to seriously question anyone wearing Tshirts or displaying signs with this message. My disturbance has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the message it sends about the perceived value of women and girls. It doesn't matter to me that the face is that of a WW and it's used in a "political way." The people who use this language know that they can't take out their "rage" on WW and live to tell. It is Black women and girls who suffer the brunt of this rage and the people who are suppose to care and protect us are M.I.A.

I spent some of my "news" time this morning reading the latest over at WAOD and then ran across this "slogan" on another site soon after. I'm at a complete loss this morning and I have NO patience at all with Black folks who continue to watch and support evil foolishness to the detriment of Black women and our girls. Maybe I should make up signs that say "Join in Everybody, throw a Black Woman or Girl Under the Bus......The BC does, sooooo...All Aboard."

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Older Women & Younger Men

Well, congrats to Mariah and I hope this is true love for her. That's all I got on this one......

I hope the media does not refer to Mariah as a "cougar,"...I find that really annoying.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Funny Pictures - Jokes Of Gas Prices

Note:With the rise of gasoline prices at the pumps,
nobody is really laughing.....maybe those who are
benefiting from it. But here is some funny cartoons
and pics about the price of gas.

President Bush Funny Cartoon

The Real Truth

Gas Sign


Interesting Picture of a Remote Island Gas Station

SEE MORE:Funny Pictures and Jokes