I’m still struggling with why it is such an “insult” to white and other non-black men for a BW to decide that she wants to broaden her options to include them in her dating pool. Is the message that unless a BW has always been exclusively attracted to white or non-black men, that she is “settling?”
I still see this argument quite a bit unfortunately and I find it personally insulting. There seems to be some people who really believe that “revenge” can be the only reason a BW decides to “date out” after a lifetime of dating black only. “Well, she’s just mad because she can’t get her IBM (Ideal Black Man) so now she’ll show them and get a white man.”
I’m not going to “pretend” that some BW may in fact be angry at BM and I will not judge that experience. However, I’m sure if a woman gets involved with any man that she truly has no interest in, that man will be smart enough to realize this and that woman will not have him for long. So, tell me again how this *potential* issue makes BW dating out the Antichrist?
Anyhoo, it is my feeling that BW are more open to dating out because we can just see the proverbial writing on the wall. That writing by the way, pretty much says…if you want to increase your odds of finding a QUALITY man to marry, then do NOT limit your dating pool to one “type” of man; include ALL men. Period. I don’t find that in any way “settling.”
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