Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bikram Yoga - Can You Take The Heat ?

I tried Bikram Yoga for the first time last week. I made it through two classes before I came down with a bad, I'm taking this week off.

Let me just say...everything I've heard about Bikram Yoga is true.

The room is hot..........and yes, you really do feel sick the first few times you do it. The poses are hard and your heart really does get a good workout. About half-way through the class you feel like you're being tortued (at least I

Ok, now all that sounds bad..but, there is a silver lining. I have never sweated so much, yet felt so clean. Ofcourse, it helps that I shower BEFORE

When you make it through the 90 minute class, you feel like you've accomplished a great feat and you feel absolutely great (after the nausea and dizziness

I would strongly advise anyone who is willing to try Bikram Yoga to consult with their doctor first; the heat is no joke.

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