Monday, October 27, 2008

The Hudson Family Tragedy : Why I Didn't Want to Post on the Subject - Exhibit A

Blogs all over the internet are discussing and dissecting every crumb of information available about the murders of the Hudson family. I knew it was best for me to not post on the matter because I have rather strong and judgmental opinions about some of the information that has been released about some of the parties involved. However, I also knew that it wouldn’t be long before some ignorant people used this tragedy to further their “Black Women Love Thugs” agenda. Without further ado, I present Exhibit A :

There is a glorification in the Black community by Black women to date these thug scumbags and try to dismiss good brothas out there.
I don't even have the energy today to go into how postal the above statement makes me.  *ALL* Black Women are NOT looking for thugs.  Take the wheel...I'm done.

  Updated :  Reader goldenah (Bless her) has the perfect response to this :

We can't win for losing.

A guy kills a family and it's the black woman's fault. So every wrong deed committed by a black man is our fault? Who in the world would desire a people who don't have a responsible bone in their bodies?

Anyone who can count knows there are more black women than black men. Yet, we are coached to accept any black man in every shape or form, working or non-working, and even share them.

Reject the inappropriate ones and we are accused of being too fussy. Take them in any form, and we all "love 'em thugs."

That's stupid.

This social issue is then compounded by black men who assume they are "good," who upon facing some rejection, bitterly complain that all black women want thugs.

"Good" must mean illogical thinkers.

Apparently, these guys lack the ability to realize that not all black women would, should, or even could find them attractive. Above all though, who we want, who we end up partnering with is really none of their business.

How is it that we can accept that not all black men want us, but these guys are unable to understand ALL black women aren't there solely for their selection (or denigration)? Isn't this typical black male chauvinism, narcissism, selfishness, and vanity?

No matter who we are or what we do, we are supposed to wait (often in vain) for them.

These guys seriously, and I mean seriously, need to check themselves.
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