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Chris Rock Opines On Interracial Dating
Why would I repeat such trash here you ask ? I think it's important to know what our slanderers are saying about us so that we can work to refute them. As always, make your pocketbook line up with where your support is...and clearly my pocketbook will NEVER line up with Chris Rock and those of his ilk. Evia has a great discussion going on about Reciprocity.
Be sure to check out the comments of the Jezebel readers. These comments in particular jumped out at me:
Doesn't this fall under the "funny because it's true" category though? I can understand why people would find it offensive, I can...But I'm a fat girl, and I absolutely get hit on by black men far, far more than my skinny friends do. Sure not ALL black men like bigger white girls, but I found this bit hilarious. Especially the part about knowing you've put on a few when more black guys start hitting on you. It's kind of true for me, as someone whose weight fluctuates!
But then, I just love Chris Rock, so I am clearly biased. (Pinky says: hhmm...sounds like a "Becky" if I've ever heard one.")
I'm sorry, but I'm just over this stereotype. I'm a black woman, who is engaged to an awesome white man. I've dated every race and ethnicity under the sun, but I think it's mainly been white men and women in my dating history. This joke is just old and played. (Pinky says: Child, yes, these jokes are played out.)
I'm a white guy and my girlfriend is black. We certainly don't look to the media or the mainstream for positive reinforcements or to validate our relationship; but I was hoping CR might have something funny to say on the subject. Overall it was pretty weak; (and sadly he didn't point out that plenty of same-race relationships fail), but seemed to go to point to shore up material for his screed against black women (who seem to suffer from having opinions, etc). I was bored and disappointed. (Pinky says: THANK YOU !!!)
i had an 8-year relationship with a black man and as a white woman, i gotta say i can totally laugh at this (even at myself, when rock says "black men will get with anyone"). in college i put on about 10-15 pounds and a black man i worked with approached me and said i had put on some weight and i was "looking good". i was mortified, i thought i looked terrible. it's funny that he thought quite the opposite. (Pinky says: SMH)
I saw him at a small place here in New York before the show at the Apollo, and that bit above did NOT go over well with a large table of black women. The bouncer even came over to them at one point to tell them to be quiet. I have to say, he just seemed angry, and some of the jokes were really dark and not that funny. I am one of the least PC people ever, but there were a few times when I was like, ummmm.... really? (Pinky says: Oh, do tell, some Black women didn't sip the Kool Aid at his show ?) Source
Clearly Chris is suffering from delusions if the thinks *every* Black woman does not want a White or other non-Black man. There are still some Black women who are "down for the cause" and holding out for a "brotha;" ( SMH) but, in my opinion, those numbers are not what they used to be.
News for Chris and those of his ilk :
1. White and other non-Black men are SEXY & Black women DO want them.
2. The White or others don't have to look like Brad Pitt, Becks, etc. to be hot. Everyday guys are the business as well !!
3. Black women with older White and other men aren't with them for a "paycheck."
4. Black men are NOT the sexual gifts to woman-kind. Please check out Sara's place for a more detailed conversation on this !!

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