I don't like Zane books..sorry just not a fan of them. But obviously by the success of the Zane series, a lot of women do read them. What I find distasteful is that Zane put her name on this book (presented by Zane) and thus, could lead her fans to buy it; a book that basically denigrates Black women all under the guise of finding a "good" Black man. Ugh.
Here is just a little gem from this masterpiece so you know what we're working with here:
Moore's slim treatise purports to explain how women should go about sex, relationships and marriage -- according to men. Here is his mission as a self-described reeducator: "I want to express my anger and frustration as a man with the women I feel are miseducated, misinformed, and ill-prepared about their responsibilities in getting and maintaining a relationship with a man of quality," he writes in the introduction. Moore, of course, considers himself just such a man. Read his book, ladies, and you can snag a catch just like him. Your responsibilities include cooking, staying skinny, wearing sexy things around the house and doing whatever your man tells you to do (because, Moore writes, "Here's a little secret, ladies: men never really ask for anything. They command. . . . And believe me, what you won't do, ten broads around the corner will.")
I think spike the cat over at feministing.com has the perfect response :
Every decade or so a book like this comes out directed at women. And someone of course has to put out something directed at black folks, 'cause you know, our shit is even more fucked up.Source
What you are witnessing is the dying grasp of male privilege.
And somehow an idea got started in the black community that women are supposed to compensate for the failures and mistreatment of black men. Yup, everything is our fault.
But I wonder if he addresses the soaring HIV rates in young black women, which according to the CDC is attributed primarily to heterosexual contact with black men? Sky high out-of-wedlock birth rates and absent fathers continues to be the norm, yet this guy decides to write a book about cleaning the house in lingerie?
Oh and PS assholes, a recent study confirms what has been long suspected: that a woman's BMI actually has NO correlation with the number of partners she reports having. On the other hand, men with higher BMIs report fewer partners. Imagine that.
Posted by spike the cat | August 28, 2008 2:17 PM

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