I received this message about the new Interracial ...... group
for black women and non-black men. As a black man... I'm
clearly not the target audience for this one (lol).
But, a couple of thoughts struck me on this. If you do a
public meetup with this group, they will probably stand out
quite a bit, perhaps making people feel a little awkward. If
you go to a bar, and their are 25 black women and 25 (mostly)
white men, people not a part of the meetup will probably be
staring and wondering what the heck is going on (lol). Most
interracial dating you see is the opposite, with black men and
white women. So to see such a large interracial gathering, the
complete opposite of what you might typically see, may stand
out like a sore thumb.
My suggestion? Make it an interracial dating meetup, period.
If there were 25 black women, 25 (mostly) white men... and 25
black men and 25 (mostly) white women, it would not really
catch anyone's attention. It would be a comfortable, almost
normal setting. And if you are attracting the sort of warm,
friendly, genuine professionals I suspect you would seek, there
would be some mingling of people across all races (e.g. black
men talking to black women, and white men talking to white
women). But, everyone there would know why they really were
there, and the meetup would still accomplish it's function.
What do you think?
Let me just say that this is but one of the emails that have crossed my desk. My first response was to just delete it and ignore it. However, I think it's important (at least to me) to "document" the evidence of what Black women have to deal with when they seek to meet/date *other* men. I am constantly annoyed by the folks who like to pretend that there are no barriers, even "subtle" ones, to keep Black women in their "place." Some who read this email may not "see" the clear underlying intent, but it was not lost on me.

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