I received the following via email:
Did you know that companies in the US have said they would hire a white man with a felony record and no high school education BEFORE they would hire a black man with NO criminal record and a 4-year degree?
On Wednesday July 23 at 9pm and Thursday July 24 at9pm, CNN will premiere a series, 'Black in America with Soledad O'Brien' and I personally challenge you to watch it WITH your children, especially your sons, if you have any, uninterrupted. The aforementioned statistics and many others will be revealed during the series.
My sister had the privilege of meeting with Soledad O'Brien and actually SEEING this premier on Monday, and what she saw brought tears to her eyes and anguish, frustration, and a senseof helplessness to her soul.
On Monday the series will focus on Women and Families and Tuesday is dedicated entirely to the plight of the Black Man in America.
I beg and plead with you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch and internalize what you see and hear; no matter HOW disturbing the information revealed...you can (and will) thank me later.
Feel free to pass this email on or go here for more information:
Out of curiosity, I checked out the link to see the preview for the segment on Black Women and *gasp* we were the background to the foreground of Black men. LOL. If you get bored and want to check out the link, look at the tab for "The Black Woman & Family" and then look at the tab for "The Black Man." Isn't it interesting that the streaming video for US has virtually nothing to do with BW, but yet the video for the BM has everything to do with them. The BW's issues (breast cancer, single parents, etc.) peppered amongst the "In the News" topics does NOT count.

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