Wednesday, July 23, 2008

All Black Italian Vogue Issue Selling Like Hotcakes !!!

Haven't been able to find a copy of the historic all-Black Italian Vogue ? Never fear, more are on the way:

Who says black female models don’t sell magazines?

Italian Vogue has taken the fashion and publishing world by storm by featuring all black models in its July issue. Historically, the conventional wisdom among "those who know" about circulation and newsstands in consumer publishing issues is that putting a black model or celebrity on the cover of a fashion magazine means that it “just won’t sell” well.

But after a couple of New York newsstand sell-outs, reports of frenzied, cross-town searches for $16 to $20 copies and the accompanying hype, Condé Nast has decided to reprint the issue — 10,000 copies emblazoned with the tagline “Most Wanted Issue Ever” and “First Reprint” banded across the front.  Source

Hhhm...some reports are saying an extra 10,000 copies and others are saying an extra 100,000 copies have been ordered...we shall see.  Yes, Black Girls representing and flexing those economic muscles !  We are willing to pay an average of 4 times the U.S. cost of Vogue to see our beauty displayed; American advertisers TAKE NOTE.

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Zemanta Pixie

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