Friday, February 18, 2011

Selma Blair is involved in Incest Relationship


Selma Blair is back in cruel intentions 3. Its said that this time it will be more cruel and more sexual then ever before. Also its heard that Selma Blair will play a double identity role in this movie. One of a lesbian and other of a straight girl.

Also rumors say that this story will involve the societal issues that are happening in USA. An issue which no one likes to discuss or even hear. This issue is about incest sex. Incest sex is growing day by day not just in USA but also all over the world. The values of a parenthood, brother and sister are simply being aborted by many. Its not allowed in any religion.

This is issue is highlighted in the third part of the cruel intentions sequel. Who will be the lead artist to play with Selma Blair are kept secret at the moment. Selma Blair says that she has taken it as a challenge because playing a lesbian role will not be easy. And she will be involved in incest sex which in reality she says she does not like.

She only accepted this role just to show to the world its harsh reality which should be demised by all means necessary. She is hoping that from this sequel people will have a different opinion and would hate her character but would love her acting.

Read this as well:

Rachel Bilson Hates her Role in Jumper 2

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