Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nicole Scherzinger says bye bye to Lewis Hamilton


The long love relationship of nicole scherzinger and Lewis Hamilton has ended. Both have decided to move on their ways. Actually the sources say it is Nicole who called for quits. Reasons given were that she could concenrate on her career and was losing her mark in music arena. So she decided to call it and end it in good notes. Nicole wanted to get married to Lewis but he did not show any trust.

Now after this Nicole made the seperation call and said that we will stay good friends but will not be together as a husband wife. She now wants her career to excel which used to be before and wants a fresh start. On the other hand Lewis Hamilton is denying any rumors and says its all a fake story. We are together and there is nothing wrong with our relationship.

Well only time will tell who is telling the truth.

Read this as well:

Nicole Scherzinger, Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce Knowles will perform at Dubai Shopping Festival 2011

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