Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ashlee Simpson-Wentz Shares Bronx-Mowgli's Latest Milestones

Ashlee Simpson-Wentz, 24, feels that watching 9-month-old son Bronx Mowgli grow is “the best,” and he’s recently been giving her plenty of reasons to cheer.

“Every week, I’m learning something new from him, and every week he’s doing something new. He’s crawling, and he’s got six teeth now…He says ‘Mama’ and ‘Dada.’”

Bronx is also expressing an early preference in music. Given his parentage, which includes Fall Out Boy rocker Pete Wentz for a dad, this comes as no surprise…but his taste in music certainly does!

“He likes classic rock and he likes Broadway music,” Ashlee reports. “I have to be honest.” The stability offered by serial television lured the singer away from life on the road — at least temporarily — and thus far she has no regrets.

“It’s good. For me, it’s nice. I’m home. I’m in L.A. It’s really comfortable with me and my son, so it’s good. And, I like to work. I get to do both, which is great.”

Melrose Place premieres September 8 at 9 p.m. on the CW.

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