Monday, June 30, 2008

Black Girl Hollywood Watch : Thandie Newton & Jada P. Smith

Thandie Newton will be starring in Guy Ritchie's new film, "RocknRolla," which should hit theatres on September 5, 2008. The film is supposed to return Ritchie to his "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch" roots.

director has returned to the world of dodgy dealers, shady scams and back-stabbing that made his name, with a story of a tale of Russian mobsters running amok in the Big Smoke.

Featuring Gerard Butler, Thandie Newton, Jeremy Piven and The Wire's Idris Elba amongst the cast
Hhhmmmm...Thandie and Gerard in the same film...oh my. Let's view the trailer:

What was Thandie doing towards the end and did it involve Gerard ? LOL Source

Jada Pinkett Smith is back on the big screen this fall in an all-star, all female cast. "The Women" hits the theatres September 12, 2008. This movie is a remake of the 1939 classic film of the same name, starring Joan Crawford and Joan Fontaine among others. There already seems to be some grumbling among purists who are not pleased that Jada and Eva Mendes are taking part in the "update" of the film.

The story centers on a group of gossipy, high-society women who spend their days at the beauty salon and haunting fashion shows. The sweet, happily-wedded Mary Haines finds her marriage in trouble when shop girl Crystal Allen gets her hooks into Mary's man. Naturally, this situation becomes the hot talk amongst Mary's catty friends, especially the scandalmonger Sylvia Fowler, who has little room to talk - she finds herself on a train to Reno and headed for divorce right after Mary.


Lets take a look at the trailer:

It's great to see an all female cast of such wonderful actresses. However, at first glance, it looks like Jada is relegated to the "quirky" side-kick role. Hhmmm...I'll have to keep my eye on this one.

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Friday, June 27, 2008

UnderCover Haters

I went to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution website to check out the cast of the upcoming "Real Housewives of Atlanta" reality show.  I had heard for months that Bravo was about to do the show with a cast of Black "housewives."

Well, imagine my surprise (only, not really) when I looked at the comment section of the article and it's filled with haters galore.  The usual racist subjects came out of the woodwork.  It seems the prospect of Obama in the White House and a dismal economy have got the UnderCover Haters running to their collective keyboards to display their *true* nature.

By Wow
June 27, 2008 8:26 AM | Link to this
From the jist of the comments on this board I think Bravo should reconsider their choices. With the real estate market going to hell in a hand basket, I doubt these women and their husbands are living lavishly…champagne taste on a waters budget so to speak. I really feel that there are many more elite and profound citizens of the Atlanta area than those chosen, most definitely poor representation.I can smell the GHETTO-fied drama already. PUUHLLEEZE!
                   By Nicole

June 27, 2008 8:22 AM | Link to this
Why not name it Baby Mamas living outside the city? Come on - give me a break. Nothing about ANY of these women illustrate elite!

By Kathy
June 27, 2008 6:56 AM | Link to this
This is a joke. These woman are successful at doing only one thing…..spending the hard earned money of their “professional” husbands or ex-husbands. DeShawn Snow in particular is the laughing stock of the real estate community. EDJ Realty only survived for as long as it did because of Eric Snow’s money and boy did DeShawn spend lots of it to gain her “image!” (Or so she thinks) Last I heard, Solid Source Realty (a discount real estate company) was holding her real estate license.
NOTE None of them are currently doing anything. They are all planning a new venture. Or should I say planning to conquer a “new paycheck” from another successful man. SHAME, SHAME

By Pathetic
June 26, 2008 5:28 PM | Link to this
These are the classiest “ladies” they could find to do this show…, anyone with a shred of dignity would never expose themselves to this ridicule - and wouldn’t make for an interesting show anyway. Thanks so much Bravo for making atlanta look bad, I for one won’t be watching The real baby mamas of ATL
                    By Kathy

June 27, 2008 12:24 PM | Link to this
Why does every comment about someone that does not agree with you have to be racist? Just for the record, my husband and I are very successful African-American business owners that has had occassion to encounter all of these individuals, except one at different events around Atlanta over the past few years. They are “misfits.” No class at all, they are always seeking attention, and are truly a source “humor”; make for good table conversation. Ask Ms. Snow which boards she sits on, nothing of any substance; very misleading to say the list. She is not associated with United Way, Habitat to Humanity, The Boys and Girls Club, or any other worthwhile humanitarian cause. Certainly she is not on the board of Delta Airlines, Georgia Power, or any major corporation. It is all a bunch of fluff created by an enormous bank account that funds her foolishness.


For those that love to spew hatred (be it racial hatred or self-hate ala "crabs in a basket") Black women living good lives are NOT going away, so you better find a way to deal with it.  I don't know anything about the lives of these ladies and neither do some of the people making ignorant comments about them.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Black Girl Hollywood Watch : Paula Patton

Paula Patton will star opposite Kiefer Sutherland in the upcoming horror film, "Mirrors."

Release date - August 15, 2008

Synopsis : Sutherland will play an ex-cop who works security at a mall and discovers something awry in the mirrors of a department store. He tries to discover the origin of the evil and soon discovers that there are murderous reflections out for revenge. He traces the haunted occurrences back to a hospital and a schizophrenic patient's evil spirit trapped in a mirrored room.

Save the date and check it out !

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Hair : Your "Crowning Glory" ?

For the last few months I have been contemplating cutting my very long locs. I thought my decision was made until....the visit from the distant relatives from "up north." Actually, I consider everyone a "distant relative" on my Dad's side of the family. You see, growing up I was the "little chubby one" with the "kinky hair" and my cousin from "up north" was the beautiful, smart and destined for success one because, you know, she was skinny and had long, "good" hair. Ugh. Somehow, I upset the "destined" applecart and became the "who would have ever thought" Yes, my distant relatives DO say that quite often about me...."Who would have ever thought...."

I'm a grown woman now, but some things you never forget or get over. Anyhoo...back to the hair thing. When the "distant relatives" came in for my Dad's funeral, the first thing they do upon seeing me is start pawing at my hair. They MUST check it out to confirm that it's all mine and "real." The next order of business is to judge my weight...apparently, the verdict was that I had lost a ton of it. Uhmm...whatever. To these people appearance trumps everything, except perhaps money.

I have always prided myself on NOT being attached to my hair as a validation of my worth or femininity, but the events of the last month have left me a lot vulnerable and not my usual "Pro Black Girl" self. Leave it to my "relatives" to devour their own at their weakest. Intellectually I know I'm not my hair, but as a woman (*cough*Black Woman*cough*) on the dating "scene," it somehow does seem to matter. At any rate, I'll have to work through this "un-me" phase and get on with the business of living my life and stop re-living my past as the ugly duckling.

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Zemanta Pixie

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Personal Note

For the last month or so I have been spending time in my hometown with my family. I haven't had the time or to be honest, the heart to Blog. After a very long battle with cancer, my Father decided to rest last Monday. My Father was 80 years old and had he lived another 2 weeks, he would have been 81.

On this Father's Day, I both honor and grieve for my Father, the man I affectionately call Iron Horse. I will start to Blog again in a week or so.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cool and Funny Refurbished Computers

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
Home security set up

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
Computer geek girl

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
A cool variety

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
Foam sealant computer case looks like an igloo?

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
Another Funky Retro

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
This ones cool.

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
Cute Dog Makeover

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
Funky Retro Style

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
Scary Reaper Computer Case

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
Pet hamster Cage

Cool Funny Refurbished Computers
Barbecue Grill Makeover

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pole Dancing With The Stars

Movie scene pictures of famous celebrities poll dancing.

Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek

Rose McGowan
Rose McGowan

Roselyn Sanchez
Roselyn Sanchez

Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman

Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan

Kate del Castillo
Kate del Castillo

Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba

Elizabeth Berkley
Elizabeth Berkley

Daryl Hannah
Daryl Hannah

Monday, June 2, 2008

Transformers Hidden In Everyday Objects 2

Transformers action figures disguised in everyday objects and then transforms into cool robotic Autobots.

Transformers Xbox
Transformers Xbox

Transformers Wii
Transformers Wii

Transformers Telephone
Transformers Telephone

Transformers Swiss Knife
Transformers Swiss Knife

Transformers Super Nintendo
Transformers Super Nintendo

Transformers Stuffed Animal
Transformers Stuffed Animal

Transformers Sewing Machine
Transformers Sewing Machine

Transformers Redbull
Transformers Redbull

Transformers Hidden In Everyday Objects

Transformers action figures disguised in everyday objects and then transforms into cool robotic Autobots.

Transformers Nintendo
Transformers Nintendo

Transformers Lawnmower
Transformers Lawnmower

Transformers Ipod
Transformers Ipod

Transformers Controller
Transformers Game Controller

Transformers Camera
Transformers Camera

Transformers Bed
Transformers Bed

Transformers Barbie Doll
Transformers Barbie Doll

Transformers Apple Computer
Transformers Apple Computer

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Celebrity Stars Pictures When They Were Kids

Celebrity Stars As Kids
Eminem, George Clooney, Jean Van Damme, Keanu Reeves, Kurt Cobain, Leonardo DiCaprio, Marilyn Manson, Patrick Swayze, Ricky Martin, Robert De Niro, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks.

Celebrity Stars As Kids
Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts, Mariah Carey, Meg Ryan, Nicole Kidman, Pamela Anderson, Sarah J. Parker, Sarah M. Gellar, Tina Tuner, Jessica Simpson, Shania Twain.

Celebrity Stars As Kids
Angelina Jolie, Anna Kournikova, Avril Lavigne, Bjork, Britney Spears, Cher, Christina Aguilera, Courtney Love, Drew Barrymore, Halle Berry, Hellen Hunt, Janet Jackson.