By now, most of you have already read about the brutal murders of the Pietrzak’s. I really can’t say any more than
Evia and
others have so eloquently and passionately expressed about this
HATE CRIME. I will say that it sickens me when the anit-BW squad rides in to some of the pro-BW sites and tries to “explain” the legal definition of a
HATE CRIME with the express purpose of down-playing what happened to this beautiful couple.
No one likes to think of the worst possible thing happening to them, but I think it’s in every BW’s best interest to do exactly that. I remember years ago when I took a self-dense course, the instructor’s assistant (who “plays” the attacker) was pretty scary to me. At the time, I couldn’t understand why the instructor chose a man who was so physically imposing. I will never forget during one of the “exercises,” the assistant had to “choke” me from the front and I totally flipped out and started crying. The “choking” was very “real” in that the assistant applied pressure to your neck and actually made you feel what it was like to be choked. The assistant said to me, “never, ever cry…that’s what they want…your tears and pain.” My stomach is literally in knots as I type this, because the memory of it is still so “real.” What that class was trying to teach me and the other women there was to feel what it would be like to be attacked, so that (Heaven forbid) if it actually happened, we would not be shocked or stunned, but could actually react and GET AWAY from our assailant. My point is we need to face down the fear and BE PREPARED to defend ourselves. After that class was over, I did the one thing you are never supposed to do: I STOPPED practicing the self-dense techniques I learned. This very day, I am going to rectify that.
I want to encourage every woman reading this to find a self-defense program in your area and
START TODAY. Please look into any and all methods of self-defense. If money is an issue, please call your local Police Department (Community Safety or Community Outreach division) and ask if they have a program teaching self-defense to women. If you want to get a group of women together to support each other and continue practicing after a class, go to and start one. Just
DO SOMETHING to protect your self today.